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Join Our Dance Family

At our Dance Studio, we offer a variety of classes perfect for all skill levels. Our classes are held throughout the week and include breaking, ballet, jazz, contemporary, acro, and hip-hop. Our rates vary depending on the total amount of class time the dancer is registered for. Discounts are built into the pricing so there's no guessing. The more classes the bigger the discount. To find out more about our class schedule and pricing, please contact us today.

Tuition & Fees

Annual Registration Fee:

$50 per student or $80 per family

Registration fee renews every August.

Monthly Tuition

The hours per week in registered classes determines your monthly tuition rate.


Tuition is charged on auto-pay only on the 1st of the month. All registered families must have a card on file. Tuition that is not processed or late will be charged a $20 late fee on the 5th of the month.


Why do we pay for a full month of tuition when there are holidays and our children do not attend the full month?  Your monthly tuition is based on the dance season, including dress rehearsals and 2 recital show dates. Tuition is based on that entire season and is not prorated during months with Holidays or due to absences. Tuition is also NOT adjusted for longer months with more classes. 

Cancelation Policy: To cancel classes we require a 30 day advance notice from the 1st of the month in writing. Cancelations may be emailed to

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